Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Lure of Ladurée

Well, this is what I would call a sweet start to the year.

It is quite obvious that by now, some people would have noticed my silly obsession with macarons. Not that it's hard to miss, really, I ranted about the sweet confectioneries in my blog and even on my facebook status for some time.

So when a friend who happens to live and work in Paris (yes, the capital of Macarons) came back to spend the new year here, he made a sweet gesture of bringing back a box of assorted Macarons from one of the legendary patisserie there, Ladurée.

indeed, sin tastes sweet

Imagine my excitement.

We met up last Tuesday night, along with three other sweet toothed ladies, and devoured the whole box. While we were quite fast in emptying the box, I managed to take notes of the flavors that we tried: chocolat (chocolate), chocolat amer (bitter chocolate), café (coffee), pétales de rose (rose), pistache (pistachio), framboise (raspberry), caramel au beurre salé (caramel with salted caramel filling), menthe glaciale (mint), réglisse (licorice), noisette (hazelnut), griotte (morello cherry), citron-herbe de citron (lemon with lemongrass filling).

The macarons were soft by texture and has the right amount of sweetness. Bear in mind that macaron is made almost entirely from sugar so it is actually very sweet -but the ones I tried here were even sweeter and thus, deadlier. Amongst all, I'd say my favorite flavor would be the decadent chocolat amer (of course), the tangy framboise, and (surprisingly) caramel au beurre salé. I never really fancied caramel but salted caramel is indeed addictive -I should thank miss Joycelyn for introducing it to me through her amazing blog.

Needless to say, we were sugar high that night -and a bit bloated- but happy nonetheless (I'm not too sure whether we were really happy, or partially just got hyper from all the sugar).

Now I just need to wait for that box of Pierre Herme macarons.

Thank you, Thomas!

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