Friday, October 03, 2008


Finally, a real blog.

I've been holding back on making yet another blog to concentrate on Multiply but found that the thought of having a more personal and professional looking blog that specializes on food always lingered around and is a tad bit too enticing.

So I gave up and succumbed.

Not much to be said though. I'll be importing some of my favorite Multiply foodblog posts here first. After that, hopefully, some readable new entries on weekly basis.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bits & Pieces About Me

Drink too much coffee. Chocoholic. Obsessed about my weight. Clueless. Indecisive. Perfectionist. Daydreamer. Writer wannabe. Seasonal poet. Amateur cook. Epicurean. Novice wine connoisseur. Hedonist. Party animal. Crazy about green color. Junk collector. Can never keep my place clean & organized. Pessimist. Optimist. Cynical bitch. Sarcastic ass-kicker. Blabber. Babbler. Reckless driver. Social butterfly. Traveler. Hopeless wanderer. Would bottle up the sound of the sea if only it's possible. Moody. Shop too much. Read a lot. Think too much. (A bit) insomniac. Can never stay put at home. Idler. Lazy. Loves watching sunset with a flute of Bellini in my hand. Never have enough shoes or clothes. Can't get enough accessories. Only turn on my TV to Discovery Travel & Living. Want a tattoo. Addicted to Huize Van Wely's dark chocolate gelato & Samarra's sangria. In pursuit of happiness or trying to just be content (I haven't made up my mind yet)..

Just a small girl with a restless mind, an ever wandering soul, and a big appetite. ;)


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